Washington Student Association
Advocating for students since 1972
The WSA seeks to empower and amplify student voices in the legislative process in pursuit of a more affordable, inclusive, accessible, and diverse public higher education system for students across Washington.
With over 140,000 members, our association represents undergraduate and graduate students from every part of the state.
Want to get more involved in the WSA?
Get involved by attending one of our committee meetings, all online and open to all students! Apply to be on our Executive Committee!
Students of Color Coalition
The SCC brings together BIPOC students from all across the state to create a powerful voice for students. We use our voices to advocate for increased diversity, equity and inclusion within the higher education system. The SCC is free to join and open to all students who self identify as BIPOC and are attending one of our member campuses!
2025 Legislative Agenda
Read our legislative agenda!