Why We Fight

A college education empowers students to create a healthy, just, and prosperous future for themselves and our state. No matter our income, race, age, or documentation, all students in Washington have the right to quality higher education without taking on a lifetime of debt. Washington is home to world-class schools whose graduates are the drivers of our economy.

By uniting across our various backgrounds and campuses, students can hold those in power accountable to making higher education debt-free and welcoming for all.

On Campus

The WSA's 150,000 members are on 13 campuses across the state, at every public four year university. Our members and chapter organizations work to organize and mobilize students 365 days a year!

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In the Legislature

We believe that students should be centered in higher education policy making. That's why we bring students directly to the legislature to advocate for our collective agenda through our Legislative Liaison Program, lobby days, and digital media organizing. 

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At the Polls 

Law makers listen to people who vote, and our 150,000 members vote. Our organization brings students to the polls through voter registration drives, student engagement centers, and 'train-the-trainer' model organizing. 

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Student Engagement Centers

Lost your ballot? Forgot to register to vote? Want more information about the upcoming election? 

Visit a Student Engagement Center up to eight days before election day! 

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Messages to students 


Bills Passed


Meeting With Legislators


Emails to Legislators